Midwest ACE Webinars

Midwest ACE places education and knowledge at the forefront of member benefits. Not only do our members receive opportunities to boost their skill sets and those of their team during the Regional ACE webinars, they can show off their knowledge of the industry during one of Midwest ACE's webinars.

The Midwest ACE Professional Development Committee is devoted to providing members with information that impacts their industry. In order to share the value of Midwest ACE with industry leaders and prospective members, webinars will be available to both members and non-members. Members can register to attend for free and non-members will be charged a $30 fee.

Are you interested in presenting a webinar to MWACE membership?

Submit a Proposal for a Webinar 

Upcoming Webinars


ChatGPT Mastery for Career Leaders
May 7, 2024 | 11:30A CST / 12:30P EST

Providing specific career advice for each student, alum, or client is a monumental task - especially when you serve hundreds or thousands of job-seekers.

But ChatGPT is a chance to fundamentally reshape that equation, leveraging your existing coaching expertise in concert with this new technology to dramatically scale up your impact.

So join a former LinkedIn insider and ChatGPT power user to discover:

  1. What ChatGPT can do for you - from helping your clientele find the perfect path to helping you work more effectively than ever
  2. How to guide your audience in this evolving world - by understanding exactly what ChatGPT can do and what it can’t
  3. A hands-on guide to making it work for you - via live demos, roleplays, and Q&A so you walk away with everything you need to leverage this powerful tool

Presenter: Jeremy Schifeling, Founder, The Job Insiders


Bridging the Data Gap: A Guide to Career Services Interaction Data Analysis

May 28, 2024 | 2:00P CST / 3:00P EST

Career Services is becoming increasingly data-driven, but the value universities can gain from following this trend depends on accumulating accurate, descriptive, and time-bound data using standardized data flows and business logic that combine academic records with external Career Services platforms. This presentation aims to provide a high-level overview of how Saint Louis University was able to leverage academic data to enhance student interaction data captured in Handshake and review student cohort participation in events as it would have looked on the day of the event.

Presenters: Charlie Revord and Jay Haugen, Saint Louis University